Saturday, 21 February 2015

Mindo's Magic

The most wondrous sight greeted me this morning -- 20 different species of hummingbirds gathered around a feeder. Some are quite large, the size of sparrows. Others are smaller than ours, almost butterflies. Some are jet black, some are a mixture of blue and turquoise, and others are multi-hued.  I watch the hummingbird equivalent of a supermarket checkout, all waiting in line for a turn, wings outstretched and hovering. 

A few hummingbirds in Mindo
My son gave me some excellent advice, "Mom, stay outside town, in the cloud forest." There are some quaint, alpine-style hotels in town. I had coffee at one and it would have been nice to stay there. But sleeping in the cloud forest is *magical*.  There are the different cries of scores of birds.  One has the distinct sound of a gym teacher's whistle and I kept on looking for a running meet about to begin. As I was about to sleep, there was the peaceful sound of gentle rain on the roof.  And I awoke transfixed to gaze upon giant ferns,  the size of apple trees, dripping morning raindrops. There's a state of Zen that permeates this life and time drops away. 

After getting off the bus in Mindo yesterday, I spent an hour in a lovely coffeehouse/live music venue chatting with the owner, Luis, and a sweet young Danish couple.  Luis grew up in Quito, spent some of his adult years in Chicago, and decided to retire here. I can understand the attraction. He says that having the coffeehouse brings the world to him. 

I decided to go for a walk down to the river. Wearing pink pants was a real mistake and they were half-covered in orange and black mud before my return. The many beautiful flowers and birds are also a real distraction along the way but even if one's attention is focused, the path turns to soft mud closer to the river and it becomes difficult to remain upright on it's steep slopes. I fell twice. While the mud caused my spills, it also provided for soft landings and I noticed the evidence of many similar tumbles on my ascent. 

So the rain is lifting and I have had a nice breakfast. Off to explore a bit more of this tropical paradise ... in black pants!

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